Today, the US Maritime Administration (MARAD) released the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the 2024 round of Small Shipyard programmatic grants as a part of its annual funding availability. Small shipyards are encouraged to apply for $8.75m in capital projects that increase efficiency and support workforce development activities.
You can find MARAD's full NOFO here.
Last year, MARAD awarded 27 grants, averaging $770k. In the NOFO, MARAD has pointed out that the average, historic size of grants is approximately $1 million.
Who is eligible?
A small shipyard with fewer than 1,200 production employees in a single location and is the operating company of that shipyard. The shipyard facility must construct, repair, or reconfigure commercial vessels 40 feet in length or greater OR non-commercial vessels 100 feet in length.
When is the application due?
The deadline for small shipyards to apply is 5pm ET, May 8, 2024. Selections will be announced around July 9, 2024. Applications must be submitted through

Free infographic with deadlines
Feel free to use this infographic (right-click and select "Save As") created by the Small Shipyard Grant Coalition to remind you of this year's deadlines for Small Shipyard Grants.